Storytelling Session for a Family of 9 as they Welcome a New Baby.
I loved documenting this family’s afternoon together as they snuggled, fed, and adored their newest member of the family. Number nine! He is certainly going to be the most loved baby!
When I arrived the older kids were playing chess while the younger ones watched, Mama was feeding her newest baby and sisters were in line to be the next one to hold him.
We eventually ventured outside where the girls played with the chickens that are VERY accustomed to kids holding them. I’ve never seen such a tame chicken! When we went back inside, the kids gathered in one of the oldest sister’s rooms and braided hair and painted. I love how the kids just hang out together and do life together. I’m sure like all families, they argue and bicker, but I can always tell when kids just genuinely love each other.
I’ll be in Roma and Firenze at the end of September/early October this coming year.
If you’d like to hire me for a Storytelling Session or Branding Business Session, please reach out. I don’t have any travel fees if you book when I am there. You can see my 2024 Travel Dates here for a larger list of where I will be in 2024. And if you don’t see your location on the list, please still reach out. I love to travel and meet new people! And I have ways to decrease the travel fees for you.